Bylaws of the Sonoma County Woodworkers Association (SCWA)
Effective January 13, 2015
These bylaws supersede all previous bylaws
I. Purpose
A. General Purpose
The Sonoma County Woodworkers Association (hereinafter referred to as SCWA) is a not-for-profit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to the education, promotion and execution of the principles of woodworking.
B. Special Purposes
1. To provide a friendly atmosphere for woodworkers to meet.
2. To initiate education of the principles of woodworking by the presentation of lectures, seminars, discussions, workshops, and field trips; dissemination and exchange of information and data on woods and associated woodworking methods.
3. To conduct public exhibition of the products of members’ woodworking; and the promotion and appreciation of the arts and skills of the woodworker, be they professional or amateur, hobbyist, or do-it-yourselfer.
II. Membership
A. Qualifications for Membership
There shall be one class of membership. It may be granted to any person who pays the established membership dues.
B. Membership Fees and Dues
Each member of the SCWA shall pay such fees and dues as may be set from time to time by the officers and approved by the membership.
1. Failure to pay dues as set forth herein shall result in automatic termination of membership.
2. Nothing herein shall preclude any member or other person from contributing to the SCWA amounts in excess of the membership fees or dues.
3. SCWA membership entitles a member’s immediate family in a single household to all benefits of membership except that each family shall have only one vote.
4. Membership dues shall be paid annually, and the membership term shall run for a period of one year, beginning on the date of payment of membership dues. Membership dues are not prorated.
5. Fees may be assessed by a majority of the officers for such things as special events, show exhibits, and merchandise.
6. Membership dues and fees are nonrefundable.
C. Rights of Members
Each member shall be entitled to one vote on any matter placed before the membership in accordance with these bylaws.
1. No member shall hold more than one membership in the SCWA.
2. Membership is non-transferable and non-assignable.
D. Membership Record
A roster containing the names and contact information of members in good standing shall be maintained by the Treasurer. It will be used only for sending out renewal notices, newsletters, event notifications and general announcements. Access to members information shall be restricted to Board officers except for member email ids that are maintained on the SCWA website.
E. Member Liability
No member of the SCWA, including members serving as officers, shall be personally liable for the debts, liabilities or obligations of the SCWA.
F. Termination of Membership
Membership shall automatically terminate upon request by the member conveyed in writing to the Secretary; upon the death of the member; upon failure of member to pay fees or dues when they become due.
G. Suspension and Expulsion
A member can be expelled or suspended for due cause as determined through the grievance process.
H. Grievance Process
The Grievance Process is as follows:
1. A grievance against the SCWA must be presented to the Chairperson in writing by the aggrieved member.
2. The Chairperson will appoint a three-person committee to investigate the grievance and make recommendations.
3. When the committee has submitted its recommendations, an announcement that the grievance will be heard at the next regular meeting will be placed on the SCWA website and in the newsletter. At that meeting, the Chairperson will read the grievance and the committee’s recommendation. The aggrieved party will be given the chance to present his/her case.
4. A secret ballot will be held to vote whether to approve the committee’s recommendations. A 2/3 majority vote of the members present is required to approve the committee’s recommendations.
III. Meetings
A. Regular Meetings
Regular meetings will be held at a time and place selected by the Program Chairperson. Meeting notices will be posted in the newsletter and on the SCWA website. A regular meeting will usually consist of an SCWA business meeting and a program meeting focused on woodworking skills or activities. The Chairperson or, in his/her absence, the Vice-Chairperson, will moderate the meeting.
B. Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting will be held in the last quarter of the year on the same date and in the same place as a regular meeting. The date of the meeting will be announced by the officers after the annual show schedule is finalized. The purposes of the annual meeting shall be to:
1. Elect officers for the forthcoming calendar year.
2. Vote on any proposed bylaw changes.
3. Hear a Treasurer’s report on the financial affairs of the SCWA.
4. Conduct any other business that may arise.
5. Approve any change in the annual dues for the subsequent calendar year.
C. Special Meetings
A special meeting for any purpose may be called by the Chairperson, by the Vice-Chairperson in the Chairperson’s absence, by a majority of the officers or by 20 members in good standing.
D. Officers Meetings
Regular meetings of the officers shall be held at such times and places as may be designated by resolution of the officers for the purpose of conducting business on the authority assigned by these bylaws. All officers' meeting dates and times shall be posted on the SCWA website and members shall be notified of such meetings at least 48 hours in advance.
E. Quorum
Twenty members in good standing constitute a quorum for the transaction of business that is within the powers of the membership.
F. Member Participation
At each regular or annual meeting, the presiding officer will allot an amount of time during which members shall be invited to discuss or present issues relevant to the SCWA. If an issue is presented that requires resolution, and it cannot be resolved in the time set aside (by the presiding officer) for the discussion of the issue, follow-up actions will be prescribed by the presiding officer.
G. Parliamentary Procedure
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the SCWA in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the SCWA may adopt.
IV. Officers
A. Nomination Process
Prior to the Annual Meeting, the officers shall formulate a plan to find and nominate candidates for offices. Additionally, nominations from the floor at the Annual Meeting shall be permitted. Candidates shall be given the opportunity to present their qualifications and platforms.
B. Term of Office
Officers shall be elected for a term of one year to coincide with a calendar year. Officers are eligible for re-election.
C. Officers
Eight officers shall be elected. Officer positions and duties are as follows:
1. Chairperson
a. Is the representative and spokesperson for the SCWA. and directs its affairs and activities.
b. Presides over all regular, annual, special and officer meetings and creates the agenda for those meetings.
c. Shall be an ex-officio non-voting member of all standing committees
d. Appoints members in good standing to serve on committees and as chairpersons of committees.
e. Disburses funds in the absence of the Treasurer.
f. Has final authority on the content of controversial articles in the newsletter.
g. Conducts an annual audit of the Treasurer’s records and reports the results to the membership.
2. Vice-Chairperson
a. The Vice-Chairperson position is not an elected office. It is held by one of the elected officers (non-Chairperson) as selected by the officers when needed. Members shall be notified of the selection of the Vice Chairman.
b. Performs the duties of the Chairperson in his/her absence.
c. Performs such duties as may be requested by the Chairperson.
3. Secretary
a. Records the minutes of each meeting in which SCWA business is discussed or transacted. Those minutes shall contain the time and place of the meeting, a list of officers present, the number of members attending, and the proceedings of the meetings. The minutes of officers meetings must be approved by the officers at the next officers meeting.
b. Shall post all approved minutes to the SCWA website and forward them to the newsletter editor in time for the issuance of the next edition.
c. Maintains a copy of the bylaws on the SCWA website.
4. Treasurer
a. Manages the Financial Records and Accounts of the SCWA, and shall keep and maintain adequate and correct books of account showing the receipts and disbursements of the SCWA together with an account of its cash and other assets. The Treasurer shall make these records available for inspection by any member.
b. Reports on the financial condition of the SCWA at each meeting.
c. Collects and records membership dues, show fees and other income.
d. Disburses funds included in the budget and as approved in accordance with Section VI.
e. Prepares and delivers a financial report at each Annual Meeting.
f. Shall post the Approved Budget and Annual Financial Report on the SCWA website, accessible to only members.
5. Program Chairperson
a. Arranges and coordinates the woodworker program for regular meetings.
b. Submits program details to the Newsletter Editor in a timely manner.
c. Maintains the Program Information on the appropriate pages of the SCWA website.
6. Show Chairperson
a. Coordinates the annual Artistry in Wood show.
7. Guild Chairperson
a. Coordinates the activities of the Guild
b. Recruits new Guild members.
8. Newsletter Editor
a. Shall be responsible for editing and publishing the monthly newsletter that is sent to every member.
b. The newsletter shall be a major instrument of the association for providing data and information regarding woodworking and the activities of the association. The Newsletter Editor is responsible for the content.
c. All articles written by the Newsletter Editor shall be reviewed for accuracy of content by an officer or a member with knowledge of the subject prior to publication.
9. Webmaster
a. Shall be responsible for maintaining the SCWA website.
b. Sends emails to the membership on an as needed basis.
c. Shall coordinate any requests or messages from website to appropriate member.
d. Shall review all contracts with web hosting providers and make recommendations about same to the Board.
e. Provides technical support on membership on using the SCWA website.
D. Officer Compensation
Officers shall serve without monetary compensation. They shall, however, receive reimbursement for pre-approved out-of-pocket expenses incurred during the performance of duties authorized by these bylaws. Requests for reimbursement must be accompanied by an original receipt. An authorized signer requesting reimbursement may not sign his/her reimbursement check.
E. Vacancies
An office vacancy may be filled by a vote of the members in attendance at a regular meeting. Each newly appointed officer shall hold office for the remainder of his/her unexpired term.
F. Removal of Officers
To initiate a recall of an officer requires a written petition from no less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the membership in good standing.
1. An officer may be removed from office by the vote of not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the members in good standing who are present at a regular or special meeting in which the removal is presented for action, providing notice of such a proposed action shall have been duly given to all the members in the notice of meeting.
2. The officer involved shall be given the opportunity to be heard at such a meeting.
3. Any vacancy created by the removal of an officer may be filled by a majority vote of the members at the meeting in which the removal took place or at a future meeting
G. Absence from Meetings
Any officer absent from three (3) consecutive meetings without an excuse that is acceptable to the other officers may be considered to have surrendered that office.
V. Guild
A. Membership
There are five criteria for membership in the Guild:
1. Consistent high level of craftsmanship/artistry/work.
2. A current SCWA membership.
3. Active involvement in the SCWA.
4. A willingness to share knowledge and skill with others.
5. A desire to be a Guild member.
B. Nomination and Election for Membership
1. Any member in good standing may nominate a fellow member for Guild membership.
2. Election of nominees shall be the responsibility of the existing Guild members.
3. Guild elections shall take place between the meetings where nominations are made (usually
October) and the following meeting (usually November). New members are announced by the
Guild Chairperson at the later meeting.
4. Guild members’ terms are unlimited, but are subject to an annual review by Guild members to
ensure that the membership criteria are in effect.
VI. Budget and Expenditures
A. Budget
1. The officers shall submit their annual expenditure budgets to the Treasurer before the end of January.
2. The Treasurer shall prepare a proposed budget for the calendar year and submit it to the officers for approval at the first officers meeting after January 31st.
B. Expenditures
1. Expenditures that are included in the approved budget require no further approval for payment.
2. Expenditures that are not included in the approved budget require approvals as follows:
a. If the expense is less than $50, it requires the approval of the Treasurer, or, in his/her absence, the Chairperson.
b. If the expense is between $50 and $100, it requires the approval of the Chairperson and the Treasurer.
c. If the expense is over $100, it requires the approval of a majority of the officers.
d. To qualify for payment, expenses shall be documented by associated receipts and any forms that the Treasurer deems necessary to process payment of the expense.
VII. Execution of Instruments
A. Contracts
The officers, except as in the bylaws, may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents, to enter into any contract or execute any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the SCWA, and such authority may be general or confined to specific instances; and, unless specifically authorized by a majority of the officers, no member shall have the power or authority to bind the SCWA by contract or engagement, or to pledge its credit, or to render it liable for any purpose or any amount.
B. Checks and Drafts
All checks and drafts or other orders for payment of monies, notes or other evidence of indebtedness issued in the name of, or payable by the SCWA, shall be signed either by the Treasurer, the Chairperson, or the Vice-Chairperson in the absence of he Chairperson.
VIII. Bylaws
A. Amendments
These bylaws may be altered, amended, or repealed in part or whole, and any new bylaws adopted, only by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of attending members at an annual or special meeting so designated. All members shall be notified of such proposed changes at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting at which they will be voted on.
B. Notification
Proposed changes to these bylaws, from any member in good standing, shall be received by the Officers at least one month prior to the annual or special meeting. The board shall review all proposed changes to the bylaws to ensure their consistency and appropriateness prior to the annual or special meeting.
IX. Artistry in Wood Show
Annually, the SCWA will present a show entitled "Artistry in Wood" in which the works of its members will be exhibited.
A. Jury Requirements
The SCWA Guild will jury the exhibit submissions to determine if a given submission meets its criteria for
inclusion in the show. The Jury Guidelines are presented in Appendix A.
B. Judging
The show will be judged by a panel of non-members that shall be selected by the Show Chairperson. Awards may be given at the discretion of the judges.
Appendix A: Jury Guidelines for Artistry in Wood Show
The following guidelines are designed to establish a common and recognizable basis for both jurors and entrants for the annual Artistry in Wood show. Devised to be as inclusive as possible, the guidelines still maintain the concept and spirit of fine woodworking.
Juror opinions will not be based on design interpretation or style - Art Nouveau or Shaker, it makes no difference. The jurors will strive to consider an entrant’s artistic intent. Jurors will decide on the bases of the execution of sound woodworking principles. However, the reality of these principles may intrude at times into the broad definition of design. For instance, a particular corner may have five different appropriate joining methods, but only one inappropriate method. A piece designed with the inappropriate joint would not be accepted.
The piece should have structural integrity and be built on sound woodworking principles. For example, this means allowance must be made for the natural expansion and contraction of wood.
Joints should be appropriate to the task and well-executed. Joints involving predominantly end-grain adhesion are unacceptable. Repaired joints are acceptable but must be neatly and competently done.
Drawers should fit well. A general indication of acceptable fit is the ability to close a drawer by pushing with one finger on any front corner. The grain direction of solid wood drawer bottoms should run parallel to the drawer front.
The finish should be well executed, consistent throughout the piece and reflect the piece’s function. All visible surfaces should be thoroughly and appropriately prepared. Machine marks (planer ripples, saw blade marks, etc.) should not be visible. Glue should be removed from all visible joints.
No kits are allowed. The piece should be predominantly of wood. Reproductions are welcome. Pieces should be within the scope and spirit of fine woodworking.
The Jury will decide if a piece will be accepted for exhibit. It may conditionally accept a piece by informing the entrant that the piece may be juried into the show if specified adjustments are made.