![]() Sonoma County Woodworkers Association |
Artistry in Wood 2024
Call For Entries
35th Annual Show at the Museum of Sonoma County
December 6, 2024 through February 2, 2025
Care, Handling and Insurance
All entries are covered by the insurance policy of the Museum of Sonoma County, whose policies are stated in full on the next page. For its part, the Sonoma County Woodworkers Association will make every effort to ensure that entries are handled with appropriate care so that they are returned in the same condition that they were received. In the event of damage, a committee consisting of the Show Chair and leading Guild Members will inspect the piece with the intent of forming a recommendation to remedy the situation. This may lead to a repair or referral to the insurance carrier. If makers are particularly concerned about the fragility of their work, it is their responsibility to state this at the time of delivery so that the pieces can be treated accordingly. The maker will be asked to assist in its handling.
Size Limits and Multiple Entries (maximum 2 pieces per member)
A single entry may include a pair or set of objects; members can submit a second piece that will be accepted if space is available. Pieces that can be disassembled may be reassembled in the exhibit space. The entrant is responsible for disassembly and assembly. Pieces that are deemed to be too large for the exhibit space cannot be accepted. In the event that there are more pieces entered than the exhibit space will accommodate, some exhibitors with multiple entries may be asked to remove one of their entries. In such case, entry fee for same will be refunded.
Artistry in Wood is a juried Show. Entries will be juried into the Show by the SCWA Guild in accordance with the Jury Guidelines below. All entries should be within the scope and sprit of fine woodworking. Acceptance of a piece is at the sole discretion of the jury. The jury process is blind; maker’s names are withheld. If entering a reproduction or copy, state such in the submission description and credit the original designer by name. A piece may be conditionally accepted and exhibited providing jury specified adjustments are made within the time limit set by the Show committee. Adjustments will be examined by jury before final acceptance. You will be notified if your piece is not accepted or conditionally accepted.
Jury Guidelines
The following guidelines are designed to establish a common and recognizable basis for both jurors and entrants of the annual Artistry in Wood show. Devised to be as inclusive as possible, the guidelines still maintain the concept and spirit of fine woodworking.
Juror opinions will not be based on design interpretation or style — Art Nouveau or Shaker, it makes no difference. The jurors will strive to consider an entrant’s artistic intent. Jurors will decide based on the execution of sound woodworking principles. However, the reality of these principles may intrude at times into the broad definition of design. For instance, a particular corner may have five different appropriate joining methods, but only one inappropriate method. A piece designed with the inappropriate joint would not be accepted.
The piece should have structural integrity and be built on sound woodworking principles. Allowance must be made for the natural expansion and contraction of wood. Joints should be appropriate to the task and well-executed. Joints involving predominantly end-grain adhesion are unacceptable. Repaired joints are acceptable but must be neatly and competently done. Drawers should fit well. A general indication of acceptable fit is the ability to close a drawer by pushing with one finger on any front corner. The grain direction of solid wood drawer bottoms should run parallel to the drawer front.
The finish should be well executed, consistent throughout the piece, and reflect the piece’s function. All visible surfaces should be thoroughly and appropriately prepared. Machine marks (planer ripples, saw blade marks, etc.) should not be visible. Glue should be removed from all visible joints.
No kits are allowed. The piece should be predominantly of wood. Reproductions and copies are welcome; credit original designer in submission statement. Pieces should be within the scope and spirit of fine woodworking.